Monkey Horoscope 2025 – Great Year For Your Finances

The year 2025, graced by the wise and harmonious energy of the Wood Snake, will be a period of exciting growth and empowerment for the Monkey. Your natural playfulness and spontaneity will be complemented by the Wood Snake’s influence, guiding you towards new opportunities for introspection and strategic action.

This will be a year of exploring and embracing your inner strengths, allowing you to cultivate patience and perseverance in ways that lead to remarkable achievements. In both personal and professional relationships, your ability to communicate with honesty and foresight will deepen connections and foster mutual trust. By paying attention to the finer details and gaining a clearer understanding of your path, 2025 promises to be a year of profound fulfillment, joyful successes, and meaningful personal growth for you.

Money & Career

Dear Monkeys, 2025 is shaping up to be a great year for your finances, thanks to some lucky influences. With the help of stars like San Tai and San He, you’ll find that climbing the financial ladder could be smoother than you expect. These positive forces will help you build and grow your resources steadily. The projects you start with care and patience will really pay off, and your hard work won’t go unnoticed.

The Guo Yin star is also on your side, giving you extra power in negotiations and contract signings. This could be the year when partnerships or smart investments lead to big financial gains. Keep an eye out for opportunities to sign important papers that could have a lasting impact on your money situation. Just remember to take your time and review everything carefully before signing anything.

While things are looking up, it’s still important to be cautious. There are a couple of less favorable stars, Guan Fu and Wu Gui, that could bring potential legal issues or unexpected financial losses. It’s best to avoid quick, risky investments or getting involved in anything that seems shady. These stars could attract people with hidden agendas or tricky situations, so trust your gut and stay careful.

To keep your luck strong and your finances secure in 2025, try these simple Feng Shui tips:

  • Place a Dragon Tortoise on your desk or in your workspace to help boost your career and attract wealth. It’s believed to bring protection and support from powerful allies.
  • Put a Feng Shui Crystal Tree with citrine stones in the wealth corner of your home (the Southeast) to encourage financial opportunities and keep the money flowing.
  • Keep a pair of Pi Yao near your main entrance, facing outwards, to ward off negative energy and protect your money from unexpected losses.


Dear Monkeys, the year of the Wood Snake brings refreshing energy to your love life, along with opportunities to strengthen your relationships. The lucky stars San Tai and San He will work together to help you build deeper connections and create more harmony in your romantic life. These positive influences make 2025 a great time for deepening emotional bonds and nurturing lasting relationships.

San He, the star of harmony, will guide you in finding balance and resolving conflicts more easily. Honest and open communication will be your secret to success in love this year. The best times for romance and strengthening relationships will be in May and September, when San He’s influence is strongest. During these months, you can expect meaningful moments with your partner or even exciting new encounters if you’re single.

While the year is full of love and connection, it’s important to be mindful of the Wu Gui star, which may bring a few moments of uncertainty or jealousy, especially in January and November. Some misunderstandings or doubts might pop up, but with patience and a calm mindset, you can easily overcome these challenges. Trust in your feelings and don’t let negativity take over.

June will be a time of high emotional intensity, thanks to the influence of Guo Yin, the state seal star. If you’re single, this could be the month you meet someone special. If you’re already in a relationship, it’s an ideal time to take things to the next level, whether that means formalizing your bond or making exciting future plans together.

To enhance love and harmony in 2025, consider these Feng Shui tips:

  • Place a pair of Mandarin Ducks in your bedroom to symbolize and attract lasting love. They are known to promote unity and deep connection between partners.
  • Use rose quartz crystals in your home, especially in the Southwest corner, to encourage love, compassion, and emotional healing.
  • Keep fresh flowers in your living space, particularly peonies, which are believed to bring romance and good fortune in love.


2025 is set to be a great year for your health, bringing plenty of opportunities to feel your best and enjoy a vibrant life. You’ll have a generally worry-free year, but it’s wise to stay mindful of your well-being to keep things running smoothly.

To stay in top shape, make sure to protect yourself from cold draughts to avoid any old sinus issues from resurfacing. Embrace the outdoors as much as you can, and consider picking up a summer sport that you enjoy—it’s a fantastic way to stay active and boost your energy.

Eating a balanced and nutritious diet will also play a key role in maintaining your health. Be discerning about what you consume; not everything that looks appealing on the packaging is necessarily good for you. If you’re unsure about your diet, consulting with a nutritionist can provide personalized advice to ensure you’re making the best choices for your body.

To enhance your health and well-being, try these Feng Shui tips:

  • Place a healthy plant like a Peace Lily or Bamboo in your home. These plants are known to improve air quality and create a calming environment, which supports overall health.
  • Keep a bowl of fresh fruit in the kitchen or dining area. This not only adds a vibrant touch to your space but also serves as a reminder to eat nutritious, fresh foods.
  • Set up a relaxation corner in your home with soft lighting and comfortable seating. This will be your go-to spot for unwinding and reducing stress, which is crucial for maintaining good health.